Ethical Management

Ethical Management

Code of Ethics

We value corporate social responsibility and declare that we will act and abide by fair and transparent standards
in business activities in order to gain customer value and trust.

  • honestly and equally

  • Customer's Valuable Value

  • Respect for Shareholder Value

  • transparently and fairly

  • Contribution to community development

  • Active creative corporate contribution

  • Respect for employees

  • Pursuit of common development with partners

Code of Ethics

You can check the full code of ethics of Inter-M Co., Ltd.

Ethics Charter

The high level of ethics we abide by is naturally achieved through a sound corporate culture established through the voluntary
participation of each executive and employee, rather than by written regulations, and passed down as a beautiful tradition.

  • 1. We perform our duties honestly and fairly based on a high sense of ethics and sound common sense.
  • 2. We always put the value of our customers first with the best quality and service.
  • 3. We respect shareholder value by realizing profits through constant innovation and transparent and efficient management.
  • 4. Transactions with partners are transparent and fair, striving for mutual development based on the principle of reciprocity.
  • 5. We comply with various laws and regulations of the country and the local community and contribute to the development of the local community through voluntary social service.
  • 6. We actively and creatively contribute to the company through bold challenges, innovation, mutual cooperation and harmony with a sense of mission for our work.
  • 7. We uphold honor and dignity, do not engage in any cheating, and prioritize the company's interests when conducting business.