Quality management

Quality management

Quality Management Policy

Inter-M Co., Ltd. establishes and complies with regulations and standards based on the quality product safety management system to provide high-quality products and services to customers at an appropriate price. We will always do our best to become Inter-M that realizes maximum customer satisfaction through the world's best quality management.

  • 01

    In order to achieve this policy, a quality and product safety management system is established, and a preventive management system is promptly established to accurately carry out designated tasks in a designated manner.

  • 02

    Our quality and product safety management system manual was established to satisfy the requirements of ISO 9001 in order to practice and achieve quality goals in accordance with the quality policy, and all our executives and staff members follow the regulations and standards set forth in the quality policy and quality system. Fully understand and fully understand and fulfill assigned roles and responsibilities faithfully.

  • 03

    The CEO appoints the head of the quality department as a quality management agent and assigns responsibility for the implementation and maintenance of the quality management system.

  • 04

    The quality management agent performs overall tasks related to the quality system, and strives to establish a prompt preventive management system to create added value by checking, managing, and taking action on quality improvement efforts and quality assurance activity results.

Quality Management Goal

품질경영목표 이미지

Quality Management Certificate

KS Q ISO 9001 Quality Management System
KS Q ISO 45001 Health and Safety Management System
Certificate of Innobiz Technology Innovation Small and Medium Business
Korean service quality excellent company certificate